Our Joint Supervision Plan
Our Joint Supervision Plan outlines how your staff and our Outdoor Educators will support each other to promote adequate rest, recovery and wellbeing for both parties.
co-creating a facilitation team
Your knowledge of the group is one of the most important elements of the experience, and we appreciate your willingness to partner with us to facilitate extraordinary experiences for your students.

maximising the wellbeing of students and staff
Joint Supervision Plans (JSP) are integral practice agreements applied by The Outdoor Education Group and your school for student and staff safety; they pertain to the shared supervision of students for the duration of the program and are developed by The Outdoor Education Group’s Outdoor Educator and the school’s Second Supervising Adult.
JSPs are developed to maximise the wellbeing of students and staff while supporting the quality of educational outcomes. The JSP ensures the school and The Outdoor Education Group staff have adequate rest while maintaining supervision and educational responsibilities.
A Joint Supervision Plan is to be implemented on every program at The Outdoor Education Group and forms part of the mandatory Program Preparation and Practices as stated in the Field Practices Manual; this is one of our key tools for operating on program.

active supervision, passive supervision and rest
A JSP results from discussions between The Outdoor Education Group’s Outdoor Educator or activity staff member, and the Secondary Supervising Adult. The JSP explains active supervision, passive supervision and rest and how these will be implemented for each party.
The JSP is discussed at the beginning of program and regularly revisited as the relationship develops between the Outdoor Educator and supervising staff member. There are many ways in which a JSP can be planned and conducted week to week; this will depend on a variety of circumstances, including, but not limited to, all staff experience, program location and the age of the participants.

our jsp maximises the benefits for students
A JSP conversation between the Outdoor Educator and Second Supervising Adult may include:
- Roles and responsibilities
- Day time rest and passive time
- Evening time rest
- Meal preparation and cooking supervision
- Evening supervision
- Activity supervision allocation
Examples of agreed outcomes from a JSP discussion may include:
The Outdoor Educator actively supervises participants for bedtime preparation while the Secondary Supervising Adult begins rest time earlier. The Secondary Supervising Adult then wakes the participants the following morning allowing the Outdoor Educator more rest time prior to beginning active supervision.
The Secondary Supervising Adult is given half an hour to have “a cuppa” and rest time while the Outdoor Educator supervises the transition between activities or tent pitching.
- The Outdoor Education Group’s Outdoor Educator will negotiate a JSP at the commencement of the program with the Second Supervising Adult.
- The Outdoor Education Group’s Outdoor Educator will ensure supervision and responsibility of students is equitability spread across the designated adults.
- The Outdoor Education Group’s Outdoor Educator will administer the JSP in conjunction with the Second Supervising Adult and will amend it as required to ensure an equitable spread of time between the adults.
- Ensure the Second Supervising Adult is aware of their responsibility to provide joint supervision for the students on program.
- Ensure the Second Supervising Adult is aware they must engage in a JSP that sees an equal share of supervision throughout the program.
- The Second Supervising Adult agrees to negotiate a JSP at the commencement of the program with The Outdoor Education Group’s Outdoor Educator.
- The Second Supervising Adult agrees supervision and responsibility of students will be equitability spread with the Outdoor Educator.
- The Second Supervising Adult agrees to engage with the JSP in conjunction with The Outdoor Education Group’s Outdoor Educator and will amend it as required to ensure an equitable spread of time between the adults.